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The Survivors of the Chancellor, with eBook

Ljudbok (Inkluderar kompletterande innehåll)
Mr. Kazallon thought that booking passage on a cargo ship from Charleston to Liverpool would be a charming way to return to his English homeland. If he only knew! A crazed sea captain, a disaster in the hold, storms, oppressive heat, sharks, and starvation are just some of the many travails that beset both passengers and crew. Will any of them survive the wreck of the Chancellor?

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Utgivare: Tantor Media, Inc Utgåva: Unabridged

OverDrive Listen-ljudbok

  • ISBN: 9781400190928
  • Filstorlek: 151547 KB
  • Utgivningsdatum: 22 juni 2009
  • Längd: 05:15:43


OverDrive Listen-ljudbok





Mr. Kazallon thought that booking passage on a cargo ship from Charleston to Liverpool would be a charming way to return to his English homeland. If he only knew! A crazed sea captain, a disaster in the hold, storms, oppressive heat, sharks, and starvation are just some of the many travails that beset both passengers and crew. Will any of them survive the wreck of the Chancellor?

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