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The Moneychangers

A financial thriller based on the Panic of 1907 by the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Jungle
In 1907 the stock market crashed as a result of the manipulations of a group of powerful, wealthy, and unscrupulous men. The repercussions were felt across the nation, taking a devastating toll on thousands of small investors and hardworking Americans. The Moneychangers, written a century before the term “too big to fail” became part of the national lexicon, dramatizes the secret dealings of the one-percenters who brought the national economy to the brink of collapse.
Lawyer Allan Montague is at home among New York City’s wealthiest and most influential citizens. His position provides him with an insider’s perspective on the motivations of the financial elite—and what he sees isn’t always pretty. Now, a small group of very rich men intend to take down a rival, even if it means wiping out the livelihoods and savings of thousands and thousands of unsuspecting citizens in the process. Powerless to stop the plot, all Montague can do is try to save the woman he loves from a tragic collision of jealousy, avarice, and lust.
This ebook has been authorized by the estate of Upton Sinclair.


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