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Puss in Boots

When the miller's youngest son receives only Puss as his inheritance, he wonders how his father expects him to make a living with a single cat. But Puss is no ordinary feline. All he asks for is a new pair of boots and he promises that fortune will come their way. With Puss in Boots working for him, the miller's son is in for a life-changing surprise!
Paul Galdone's retelling of this fairy tale is now part of the Folk Tale Classics series.

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When the miller's youngest son receives only Puss as his inheritance, he wonders how his father expects him to make a living with a single cat. But Puss is no ordinary feline. All he asks for is a new pair of boots and he promises that fortune will come their way. With Puss in Boots working for him, the miller's son is in for a life-changing surprise!
Paul Galdone's retelling of this fairy tale is now part of the Folk Tale Classics series.

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